Computer science gives students an overview of computer science topics, and provides students with a strong background in computer programming and algorithms.
该计划与许多领域的学位很好地结合在一起, 尤其是数学和自然科学.
At Shenandoah, the computer science program brings together students across many disciplines. Students have the opportunity to work with students in other majors and see how computer science fits in to any field of study. Our programming students also have the opportunity to work with robots to make programming fun. 学生将学习Python编程语言.
Computer science and programming skills are becoming increasingly necessary in many fields. In science fields, the ability program is becoming essential in many areas of research. Programming and computer science skills also increase earning potential in new graduates.
The best part of being a computer science student is being able to code and create different things on the computer while working with other people.”
Jared Neal, 26岁,计算机科学专业
Shenandoah students work with their Academic Advisor to declare a minor. Academic Advisors will continue to work with students to ensure that they fulfill all of the requirements to complete the minor.
Incoming students should not indicate their intended minor on their Shenandoah application. 申请只适用于预期专业.
Computer science and programming skills are becoming increasingly necessary in many fields. In science fields, the ability program is becoming essential in many areas of research. Programming and computer science skills also increase earning potential in new graduates.
职业生涯 & 专业发展 provides a comprehensive range of 服务s and resources to assist Shenandoah students in their career search. 提供的服务包括制作简历和求职信, 模拟面试, 以及专业的用餐礼仪工作坊.
课程包括机器人编程,介绍概念, 加强思想, 使用javascript编程, 学习Python编程语言.
The best class I have taken at SU so far is Computer Programming. This class was my favorite because of the cool and interesting concepts about the programming language as well as the way the professor taught the material.”
Mark Isabelle ’24 | 数据科学 and 应用数学 with a 计算机科学 minor
学习 support 服务s are available to all students in every course at Shenandoah. Free peer tutoring with a student who has previously succeeded in the course is available for any course across the university. The Writing Center is available for every stage of the writing process from thesis development to proofreading and bibliography assistance. The Math Enrichment Center is available for math and science assistance. Professors and Academic Advisors across the university also have office hours and open door policies to ensure Shenandoah students succeed academically.
The 荣誉项目 is a multidisciplinary 荣誉项目 for students who are curious, 有创意的, 自我激励, 并且渴望参与他们的教育和社区.
Not only do 荣誉项目 students partake in honors courses that emphasize collaboration, 服务, 和沟通, but they will also have the opportunity to develop aspects of the program based on their own interests and goals. By participating in the 荣誉项目 you will acquire the tools, knowledge and experiences necessary to make meaningful contributions to your community – whether it be globally, 在本地, 或者具体到你一生的工作. 你将有机会学习独特的课程, exciting experiences and a community of peers and faculty who never stop asking questions and striving for excellence.
The faculty are involved in educational research and investigating not only best practices in teaching, but also coming up with new methods of instruction and assessment that are innovative and better for our students.
We use technology in ways that enhance learning in the classroom. We are very active in our use of the iM学习 iPads and MacBooks.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 works on rolling admissions and accepts applications throughout the year. 对申请进行单独和全面的审查.
Submit your application, review required admission materials, and find our admissions standards.
让出国留学成为你大学生活的亮点! 不管你是去一年,一个学期,还是几个星期. 你永远不会忘记在另一种文化中的学习! The Center for International Programs is here to help you plan your study abroad experience. Start your planning early to ensure the courses you complete abroad count toward your degree and you graduate on time.
The 全球体验式学习计划 offers Shenandoah students a short-term, faculty-led, 有海外留学经历,获得学分. 这些短期, credit-bearing, 教师主导的项目提供寒假, 春假, 在夏天. If a course is not within your major, it might be used as an elective.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 is a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), 由300所大学组成的全球网络. This partnership allows students to study for a full semester or year at other member campuses abroad. By working closely with their academic advisors and the study abroad advisor, students can take classes taught in 英语 abroad while receiving Shenandoah credit.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 also maintains direct partnerships with several universities around the world. These relationships allow students from SU to study abroad as exchange students and students from these universities to study at SU. 所有合作大学都提供英语授课课程.